
Travel fills me with wonder. I’m excited to wake up early, to go and see all that I can, and I try to not over-exhaust myself. I find moments for sweets, a coffee at a perfect cafe, window shopping, or a hike to a scenic vista. I want to see it all, but also to savor the moment. To stop and see.

In real life however, I like my job, the people I work with, my home and family and friends and all that. But the wonder gets lost. I jump from commitment to commitment, appointments, obligations, things I think I should do, things I have to do. Routine takes over and I find myself going through the motions while longing for my next vacation and travel opportunity. Longing for that next moment to truly feel alive, to stop and enjoy.

When I travel, I live life to the fullest. And in my real life I am very clear on my priorities. I tell anyone that will listen that “I work to travel.” There is so much to see and something has to fund that. So I do a good job at work, earn a decent salary, and without planning on it, fall into the daily grind.

But what if I die tomorrow? What if my last day isn’t while I am traveling? But instead, it’s a day where I wake up late, rush my morning, work a job with a day full of meetings, overbook my evening, only to then shower and crash into bed?

That isn’t a life in line with the one I long for (and am very happy with) when I travel.

This blog is my attempt to ground myself and remember the present — even when doing the mundane — to find joy, wonder, and contentment in everything I do. A coffee in Paris tastes remarkable, but I make a mean latte as well. And while I don’t have the ambiance, the scenery, or the perfect French bistro set at home, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t take a moment to revel in the smell and taste of my homemade latte.

My life would be improved if I could slow down, revel, and enjoy everything the way I am capable of while traveling. And I don’t want to live life only waiting for the next trip. My life is now, even while working and saving up for my next trip. I want to learn to stop and see everything, wherever I am.

This is my attempt to remember my goal, document my progress, and share my journey.